Katrina Steel
The Intentional Therapist
Katrina Steel is an Integrated Psychotherapist who is masterful at supporting clients to access what is real and using that knowledge to liberate them from the limiting stories of the mind, bringing them into a consciously connected and intentional relationship with their life, their suffering and themselves.
Her vast experience and skillset combine to assist clients to connect to their true selves in the most compassionate and yet dynamic of ways. Katrina engages her clients with focus on cognitive and emotional processes, working to build awareness of the limiting and fearful nature of the the mind to break down behavioural patterns and mind distortions which generate suffering and hold them back from ease, joy and grace.
She draws together the nature of your suffering to uncover core cognitive beliefs and behavioural patterns that result in your distress and anguish, generating clarity and therefore creating a new way of relating and being in the world. Katrina uses wisdom, vulnerability, courage and realness to raise awareness and connect people to their true selves, resulting in them living and experiencing life at a deeper and more profound level.
Her gift is in the relational experience and within this she brings her authenticity and generosity which shines through in the power of her therapeutic process. There is nothing traditional about Katrina, and that translates to exceptional possibilities for living life with guts and grace.
Katrina's experience spans a wide variety of topics including those listed below.
Areas of Skill
Personal Issues
Relationship Issues
Parenting Challenges
Dysfunctional Family Dynamics
Depression & Anxiety
Struggling with Grief & Loss
Drugs & Alcohol Issues
Overwhelming Emotion
Eating Disorders
Mindfulness & Wellbeing Issues
Lack of Motivation & Life Direction
Katrina has great diversity and an in depth range of skills to work with clientele. Therapeutically Katrina’s has an extensive repertoire. She works using Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT), Gestalt Therapy, Crisis Intervention, Transactional Analysis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Family Systemic Therapy, Addiction Therapy, Existentialism and Developmental Psychology.
Katrina's approach works to create a positive shift within, which filters out into all the areas of your life ultimately influencing your experience of the world in remarkable ways.

​Areas of Growth
Over come depression, anxiety and stress.
Build authentic, enriched and connected relationships
Develop emotional literacy and intelligence
Create capacity to emotionally regulate
Process and heal trauma
Learn assertive communication skills
Attain boundary setting skills
Gain skills to better navigate life challenges and build resilience
Overcome obstacle and limiting beliefs and fears
Build self awareness, self esteem, self worth and self love

What My Clients Say
Katrina Steel ~ Psychotherapist
Katrina Steel has acquired a Diploma in Health Science in Holistic Counselling from the College of Natural Medicine and a Degree in Social Science in Counselling from the Australian College of Applied Psychology.
Qualifications ~ BSocSc(psych) GradDip HlthSc (couns)
Accreditation ~ Australian Natural Therapist Association
Bachelor of Social Science, Counselling
Australian College of Applied Psychology
Interpersonal Skills
Introduction to Psychology
Counselling Skills 1
Counselling Skills 2
Counselling Methods 1
Counselling Methods 2
Counselling in Loss
Conflict Management
Self-Esteem & Motivation
Family & Relationship Counselling
Drugs & Alcohol Counselling
Managing in Ambiguity & Change
Developmental Psychology
Groupwork Theory & Practice
Mental Health Issues
Cross Cultural Counselling
Organisational Behaviour
Applied Social Research
Social Legal & Ethical Issues
Social Analysis
Practicum 1
Practicum 2
Graduate Diploma in Health Science,Counselling
Australian College of Natural Medicine
Counselling Psychology
Crisis Intervention
Relationship Issues
The Counselling Process
Counselling Practice 2
Psychiatric Issues
Other Counselling Approaches
Interpersonal Skills of the Helper
Psychiatric Issues
Special Groups
Flower Essence
Rayid Iridology
Typology Theory
Natural Medicine 1 : Kinesiology
Field Experience 1
Field Experience 2
Professional Experience
The True You Retreats
The Healing Space
Noosa Confidential Residential Programs
Alive Wellness Residential Programs & Retreats
Salvation Army
Domestic Violence Family Counsellor
Homelessness and Accommodation Support Worker
Lifelines' Mary Valley Support Service
Counselling - Support - Advocacy
Dept of Communities QLD
Lifeline Crisis Response & Disaster Recovery Team
Lifelines' Mary Valley Support Services
Program Co-ordinator
Eating Disorders Association Brisbane
Group Work - Parents Program
Training Workshops Seminars
Living the Limitless You Workshops
Yoga NRG Teacher Training
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
Lifeline Crisis & Telephone Counselling Course
Lifeline Communication &Professional Development
Skills Training Workshop Facilitator
Compassionate Communication Course
Non-Violent Communication Training
Asist - Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training
United Synergies
Dynamics Group Facilitators Training
Embracing Change Workshop - Louise Hay
Empowerment & Facilitating Change Training
Attachment Theory- Circle of Security Workshop
Human Potentials - Back to Basic Self Development
Partners of Alcohol and Drug Dependent People Workshop
Holy Oak